– Digital Activation for Local SMEs

Still cooking up!

Digital Marketer & SEO Specialist

Executive Summary is a personal initiative (project) with a collaboration concept with local SMEs in Kemuning, Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar, aimed at activating digital channels and supporting lead generation through website development, SEO, and SEM.

Goals & Objectives

In developing, the primary goal I have set is to create effectiveness in lead generation and increase the conversion rate for visitors interested in the beauty and uniqueness of Kemuning.

This focus is not only on increasing website traffic but also on converting that interest into real-world activities.

1. I direct efforts towards improving lead generation through effective digital marketing strategies, optimizing the website with effective SEO strategies, and running tailored SEM campaigns.

2. My focus is on conversion. It’s not just about attracting traffic, but about motivating them to engage in outbound activities with Visit Kemuning.

Through a combination of these two aspects – drawing visitors to the site and converting interest into actual action – the goal of is not only to introduce more people to the wonders of Kemuning but also to encourage them to become part of the experience offered by the local community.

Project Implementation

Website Development

Desain Visit KEmuning
  • Responsive Design and User-Friendly Navigation: Focused on creating a responsive design and navigation that is easy to use across various devices.
  • Development: In the development phase, I use WordPress as the CMS.
  • Integration of Key Features: Development of features such as a photo gallery, Kemuning location map, and online contact system (WhatsApp Button) to enhance the user experience.

SEO and SEM Strategy

  • Topic & Keyword Research: Research topics and keywords to identify the most relevant search terms with commercial intent.
  • Content and Website Optimization: Optimizing content, and navigation/website structure to be user-friendly and easily discoverable by Google during the crawling process, to ensure better visibility.
  • Paid Search Campaign: Creating and managing targeted advertising campaigns to attract traffic and further enhance online visibility.


Copy Visit Kemuning
  • Engaging Content Development: Creating engaging and informative content that is SEO-friendly and effective in conveying the charm of Kemuning.
  • User-Focused Content: Writing compelling descriptions and stories that encourage visitors to explore and interact more within the website.

Impacts & Results

SEO Growth

Improvement in Google Search Console:

Since the launch of, we have recorded a significant increase in search rankings and visibility.

Using data from Google Search Console, we have seen growth in the number of clicks and impressions, indicating that our site appears more frequently in related search results.

This improvement can be attributed to effective topic and keyword optimization and enhanced quality of site content.

Conversion Rate

Analysis via Google Analytics: Through Google Analytics, we monitor how visitors interact with the site.

Since implementing SEO and SEM strategies, we have recorded an increase in the conversion rate, indicating that visitors are not only interested in visiting the site but are also motivated to take actions such as clicking the WhatsApp Button and downloading the pricelist.

This demonstrates the effectiveness of our website design as well as the relevance and appeal of the content we present.

Closing Rate

Increased Closing Rate: Another important aspect is the increase in the closing rate for outbound activities offered in Kemuning.

Thanks to an integrated digital marketing strategy, including social media and effective follow-up, we have experienced an increase in the number of visitors who are not only interested but also decide to make reservations for outbound activities (2641 people from 66 groups have carried out outbound and capacity building activities with Visit Kemuning – December 2023 – February 2024) and, this number will continue to increase.

This illustrates success in not only attracting interest but also in converting that interest into real commitment.

Learning & Reflection


  • SEO and SEM: Through this project, I gained a deep understanding of how vital multi-channels like SEO and SEM are in digital marketing strategy. I learned how effective topic and keyword research, content optimization, and targeted ads campaigns can significantly enhance online visibility and attract the right audience.
  • User-Focused Web Design: The experience of designing and developing taught me the value of an intuitive and responsive website. I learned that prioritizing the user experience not only increases engagement but also facilitates conversion.
  • Copywriting: I realized how important copywriting is in attracting and retaining the attention of visitors. Developing engaging and persuasive content is key to conveying the message and encouraging action.


  • Facing Challenges: During the project, I faced several challenges, such as the results from SEO not being instant. I vividly remember that to achieve the first closing, it took about 3 months (I started this with a 0 Rupiah Ads Budget).
  • Professional Growth: This project significantly enhanced my skills in digital marketing, web design, and copywriting. I learned how to integrate various aspects of a digital marketing campaign to achieve optimal results.
  • Impact on the Community: One of the most satisfying aspects of this project was seeing the positive impact I brought to the local Kemuning community. It gave me greater satisfaction and motivation in my work, reaffirming the importance of developing solutions that are not only effective in business but also beneficial to the community..


Through the project, I not only developed technical and professional skills but also gained valuable insights into the importance of work that has a social impact. This reflection marks the importance of continuous learning and the desire to keep making a positive contribution to the world I cherish.

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